2022 U.S. Trans Survey

To Clarify: This survey is NOT conducted by JTR Presents. JTR Presents is sharing the following in advocacy and support of the Transgender and Gender-Expansive communities. The Transparency project is an initiative JTR Presents is conducting as its form of contribution to the community. Click the buttons to learn more and engage. You can also email ustranssurvey@transequality.org to contact someone on the team conducting the survey.

According to the website (click “Learn More”):

The U.S. Trans Survey is the largest survey of trans people, by trans people, in the United States. The USTS documents the lives and experiences of trans and nonbinary people ages 16+ in the U.S. and U.S. territories.

USTS reports have been a vital resource, including the reports on the experiences of people of color and reports by state. In 2015, nearly 28,000 people took the USTS. A lot has happened since then – and it’s time to conduct the USTS again in 2022.

Help us continue to be the largest, most diverse sample across all identities. Please spread the word to ensure that people of color, older people, those who live in rural areas, immigrants, Spanish speakers, those who are HIV+, and others hear about the survey. More than ever, it's important to ensure that trans voices will shape the future.

A note from our founder:

In 2017, I embarked on the Transparency Project as a means to combat the issue I saw in our culture at the time: Representation and Reality. I sensed a danger that the representation, rather the misrepresentation of a population, could lead to policies and actions made against a people. In this case, it is Transgender and Gender-Expansive people that are in the spotlight but they are not the only community. The Transparency Project is my means of contributing to the issue and conversation around “who determines one’s identity?” “Who has a say towards the identity in question?” “Who is an authority of the identity who can give creditable knowledge on the subject matter?” and my favorite “How to do you empower one to tell us who they are in their own voice and light?” Those are the main ingredients to this project from my point as a curator. I am so glad other entities far more equipped than I are also working on this. In the spirit of that, I hope this post works in collaboration with others seeking to advocate and empower the voices of the unheard, misunderstood, and unjustly marginalized.

On that note, in addition to sharing this survey, I also invite those of the identity and their allies to tell their story and share their light through art and recorded storytelling. Click on the button below to take a look at our project site to learn more.