Artwork for Sale
New year, new art for sale. Part of our mission and vision is to promote emerging contemporary artists and their works in the community. Jordan is going to lead by example with prints of the recent work he produced while thinking of our next major production.
“Mx. Liberty is a series of a much larger conversation, ‘What is the American Identity?’. This is a conversation I want to have in the form of an exhibition with multiple artists. This time, I will have my two cents included as an artist but sill will be interested in elevating the voices of others.” Jordan mentioned.
Our next major exhibition is called “Home: The American Identity”. It is a collection of artwork that challenges the meaning of American identity, patriotism, and nationalism. Our programming will be geared towards getting people involved in forums and activism on building more sustainable communities. Artists involved will range from emerging artists to established artists whose work relates to the themes of the show.
Robinson is one of the emerging artists that will be shown and has been working on a body of work that resonates with the show. “I looked at ‘American’ icons and other symbols from organizations and people that serve and an icon. I want to start small with one or two icons and start customizing them to include people from marginalized backgrounds (Race, Religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.) into the icon. The first three seem to be a good place to start on.
More information of each piece can be found in our store. You can access it via the button below.